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Funniest compilation with Cats and Dogs. Funny fails, strange situations, smart, amazing, crazy animals and much more with Cats and Dogs:)
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⚠️ All copyrights belong to their rightful owners. If you are the author of a segment in the release and its distribution violates your copyrights, contact me!
📢 Connection - morfanimals@gmail.com
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►Get more music from Asher:
• Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artis....t/4lAI6jiWfiec8dgvxM
• Apple Music : https://music.apple.com/us/artist/asher/1355846914
• Soundcloud: https://goo.gl/Ar1b1e
• Deezer: https://www.deezer.com/en/artist/120449
► Shop the Asher store : https://www.redbubble.com/shop/ap/27547412
► Follow Asher:
• Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/asherofficialmusic/
• Facebook: https://goo.gl/JKiE0Q
• Twitter: https://twitter.com/deejayasher
• TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@ashermusic
• Subscribe to his YouTube Channel : https://www.youtube.com/channe....l/UCztlu-4ndJ1CBGPbq
► Stream on Spotify, Apple Music , Soundcloud etc, : https://bfan.link/alone-56
► Free Download + Extended Mix :
► Music :
• Production, Writing, Vocals, Mix & Master : Asher
► Music Video :
• Model: https://www.instagram.com/ninatrofin/
• DOP: https://www.instagram.com/asherofficialmusic/
• KOA Apartments
► Booking : office@nocturnerecords.com
► This is a Official Music Video by Asher performing his song "Alone ".
► Thank you to everyone who went above and beyond to make this Song and Video as epic as possible. We appreciate you greatly.
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Licensing : office@nocturnerecords.com
All rights reserved
©&℗ 2023 Nocturne Records
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🎶 Spotify:
Profile ► https://spoti.fi/3z2Up3M
Playlist ► https://spoti.fi/3uQyv17
THE ARTWORK ► https://risingwaveimages.com/image/153
🖌 All artworks on this site are made by us.
⏯ Submit a DEMO: https://www.labelradar.com/lab....els/intrepidmusic/po
📧 Mail: andrea@risingwaverecords.com
🎸 If you are a band or an artist send us your demos ;)
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🖌 The background art is 100% created by us and is published first time in each video.
⚠️⚠️ Our policy ⚠️⚠️
Motion graphics and music by INTREPID EGO.
We are a music label specializing in the release of Phonk/Trap music and we offer an immersive experience by featuring songs and creating motion design videos.
⏱ Timestamps:
00:00 Egzod, Maestro Chives & Neoni - Royalty
03:38 Barren Gates - Devil
06:23 FRYMAO & WON TAEO - Burn Down Your Throne
09:15 Henri Werner & Salvo - I Feel Like Im Drowning
12:13 Neoni - OUTLAW
15:04 Unknown Brain x Rival - Control (ft. Jex)
17:42 Rival - Throne (ft. Neoni)
21:04 Robin Hustin x TobiMorrow - Light It Up (ft. Jex)
24:00 Egzod, Maestro Chives & Neoni - Royalty
27:35 Barren Gates - Devil
30:20 FRYMAO & WON TAEO - Burn Down Your Throne
33:13 Henri Werner & Salvo - I Feel Like Im Drowning
36:10 Neoni - OUTLAW
39:01 Unknown Brain x Rival - Control (ft. Jex)
41:39 Rival - Throne (ft. Neoni)
45:04 Robin Hustin x TobiMorrow - Light It Up (ft. Jex)
📌 Tags:
#PhonkSongs #AggressivePhonk #INTREPIDEGO
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Business Mail 📩 sarju.giri.sg@gmail.com
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➡️ About Me: Hey guys, my name is Sarju Giri & i'm from Nepal. I do commentary in hindi so that more people can understand me and play solo, solo vs squad, duo, squad vs squad, Clash Squad, Custom Vs with Big Youtubers, Subscribers, Grandmaster top 1 Players & also do Noob prank game play. Not Only this, i'm pushing my Rank for Top 1 Grandmaster !! So, now you know what to do, Subscribe !!